


After a year and a half since my last blog post, I’m back. I’ve a new domain, a new template, a whole new blog (I’ll close down the old blog at soon) and still the same great life (and now, great wife!) Yes, we got married three weeks ago. It was a small ceremony in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, just us, two witnesses and celebrant. Keeping it simple, even though the COVID restrictions have eased somewhat.

What else has happened since May 2019?

We made it to Japan in September last year, and I was able to meet the in-laws, grandma and friends, and see the sights of Fukuoka and Karatsu. A month later I was promoted to Assistant Manager at work. My credit card was also paid off, cancelled and chopped into many pieces. We’d done some epic road trips, too, our longest was the drive to St George (semi-outback Queensland), then return home via Toowoomba.

Then COVID hit.

Work did a full 180 overnight, but I was thankfully able to stay on full time. We didn’t cop it too bad here, just two or so months of quiet days and minimal customers. Then restrictions in Queensland eased and we were back up and running again. And since mid-June it’s been go go go! Can’t complain at that.

We’d planned to go to Japan in May, but those plans had to be ditched three weeks out. Still have four months to spend our Jetstar credit vouchers, but nobody knows when we can go back to Japan. I’m all for them immunisations if it means we can see family sooner without the need for quarantine.

Mid-2020 gave weekly visits to the GP for various bits of medical advice. A mole on my back was removed, then more had to be removed because it was showing the early signs of melanoma. The second biopsy gave the all clear. Another mole was taken off my ankle, and thanks to some blood in the toilet, a colonoscopy was done. One polyp removed. I think there’s been 3 or four blood tests, too. By the end of them I didn’t need to lie down. I’d usually faint during a blood test, but that’s no more.

My eyes have been playing up, so I invested in a new pair of glasses. They look like my 14 year old glasses, but a little more modern. I’ve been told I look handsome when wearing them, but not sure if that’s a sympathy compliment or something more genuine.

And that’s about it for my 2020. Not very adventurous, but at the same time I’ve achieved many goals. I’m looking forward to starting fresh in 2021 – my car loan has one more payment due – and I just want to save, save, save! I’m looking at advancing my career, too, and this will also help me achieve the financial goals I’ve set.

I really want to do more blog posts, it calms me down. I don’t get much time these days, so I’ll be needing to make time. I’m loving Bitmoji, and want to use mine with photos and art for cover photos. Sounds like fun!
