Flying Noodles

Well, That Didn’t Go As Planned

Here we are. It’s July, 2021. I planned to restart this blog personal six months ago but have kinda been sidetracked with work, COVID and married life. I didn’t have COVID, but the lockdowns, restrictions and all have been screwing with my plans. Your plans too, I’m guessing.

So what’ve we done for the past six months? Lots, actually. Aside from work, we did a trip down to Coffs Harbour two weeks ago, I got poked with Pfizer’s finest – twice! – and we’ve done multiple drives in and around SE Queensland, racking up thousands of kilometres. Also had some Scandal merch delivered for my birthday last April. Fun times for all.

Got My Shot

Right now it’s lockdown day 2 of 3 and word on the street says it will be extended. It doesn’t bother me too much, but I understand that others are anxious, frustrated or sad, spesh business owners. At my hotel it’s dead. We should be sitting on 100% during these school holidays, yet all but a handful of reservations have cancelled. It sucks, but it gives me time to update this blog and play around in Photoshop a little.

In other news, it’s the first day of the tax year and I’ve already lodged my tax return. I’ve been able to save money over the past year – something I’ve never been able to do – so the return will be a bonus. I don’t ever want to have to live from paycheque to paycheque again. I need money aside for a rainy day. And Japan. We missed Japan last year, and this year looks the same – even when poked with Pfizer juice. 2022 should be better, spesh if Jetstar reissues our credit vouchers for the fourth time.

On the to-buy list is a new telly and a new Macbook Pro. The Hisense we have is about 25% lines and dead pixels across the bottom of the screen, and this Macbook Pro is 11 years old. Still works a treat, but is starting to fail ever so slowly. With the lid closed the battery dies in 3 days. Then when charging with lid closed, it fires up and gets hot. Vindaloo hot, but not Vindaloo tasty.

Yep, definitely need a new Macbook Pro.