Happy New Year 2022

Happy 2022

It’s just gone 4:30pm on New Years Eve. Misa-chan is chatting to her grandma, and I’ve just turned off the telly to play around in Photoshop. And have a few drinks to farewell 2021. I’ve never had Hope Brewery drinks before today, so it’s nice to try something new. This NEIPA is another one of those fruity IPA beers you find everywhere now, and the sour grapefruit drink I’ve got in the fridge is exactly as described on the box. It’s, like, super-duper-sour. Both drinks are 7% alcohol, high for Australian beers, so that gets me tipsy quicker. Bonus!

Sour Simpsons

I’ll be cooking karaage for dinner shortly, so have yourself a nice night. Hopefully 2022 is better for all of us as COVID is outta control everywhere in Australia now. Stay safe, take care, and good luck with the $40m Lotto tonight. I’ve got my ticket, I’m ready to win (and retire)!

8:47pm edit: I didn’t win Lotto. Back to work on Sunday.