That’s The Loudest Profanity I’ve Ever Heard

So my bank account was sort of hacked. I shouldn’t say hacked because it was the debit card attached to it that was subject to some unauthorised use. I woke to text messages on Wednesday morning with the usual purchases that had cleared, plus one from Netflix. Thing is, I don’t have Netflix. Cancelled it last year. I still have the app on my phone, in case we re-subscribe, so I used that to chat with the help desk.

Well, crap.

It looks like a dodgy account was set up with my payment details. They were able to initiate a refund and put a block on my card. Thanks, Netflix.

A little later at work I was looking at my bank account again and saw Spotify.  Checking it against my bills calendar, it’s three weeks early. Here we go again! Trying to chat with Spotify was so hard, a lot of repetition, but thankfully they could save the day. Like Netflix, another account had been set up with my card number. That was promptly closed, and my card refunded.

I called my bank during the chat session with Spotify and they cancelled my card on the spot, and will send out a new one shortly. In the meantime, I have just a little cash to keep Misa-chan and I going ’til the new card arrives. Hope it’s soon!

The lady from the bank said there had been a few more transactions originating in the USA that had been blocked. Arrghhh. Scumbags! Absolute scum! Thankfully they hit the morning of pay day, when my account was at it’s emptiest.

I must give Netflix, Spotify and my bank two thumbs up because they saved me from a lot of pain, hassle and inconvenience.

Anyway, the rest of the week has also been pretty disappointing. I had my arm poked with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine yesterday, the booster shot, and while it was painless at the time, it’s totally dead right now. Like, I can’t reach open to unlock the passenger door dead. Panadol isn’t helping, either.

And Jetstar officially cancelled our flight. By flight, I mean the return leg is still active. Not sure how we’ll get to fly home from Japan when we can’t fly to Japan. I’m sure we’ll be able to get a refund, or credit vouchers. Rest assured, we won’t be getting sucked into any flights again until the Japanese government gives the green light.

We were decimated at work with COVID-19 for the past two weeks, but thankfully everyone has recovered, and there’s now 7 of us (instead of 3). I’m ever so grateful I didn’t get COVID, I really don’t want it. The mask-less dude at the 7-Eleven earlier looked like he wanted to share it with everyone. A horrible, uncovered chesty cough, spluttering everywhere throughout the store. What an absolute jerk! Like, who does that? It’s not 2019. And even if it were 2019, have the decency to cough into your elbow! Thank heavens they were out of Soda Stream gas cylinders and that I didn’t have to touch the coughed on EFTPOS machine.

People suck.

I guess one good thing this week is that I got to the low 88s (kilograms) after last week’s KFC, and after two days off work I’m still in the low 89s. I’m continuing to watch my food intake, refraining from chocolate, chips and lollies. It’s hard, but it’s working.