We've Been Omicron'd

We’ve Been Omicron’d

It’s beginning to look like our visit to Japan to visit Misa-chan’s family, plus do a bunch of medical checks, tests and procedures, won’t be happening next March. Yes, the coronavirus situation has screwed us (and the world) over yet again with the recent announcement of Omicron. Japan has quickly sealed its border shut for all arrivals for a month, possibly longer.

We didn’t need this right now, but it’s better than if we were going next week, or next month. I’ve also learned a few more things about going as a spouse because it’s a long, difficult application process that could end up being super-expensive. Jetstar may also cancel our flights, making the exercise a big waste of time (the Visa process), possibly leaving Misa-chan without her Australian 801 (Permanent) Visa.

It’s too much stress to deal with right now. Isn’t the reason we (the people of the world) got Pfizer’s finest in our arm was so that the world could reopen and go back to some sort of normality? Was Jetstar being optimistic when they released the flights, hoping by March people will be flying again?

I’m going to call the Japanese Embassy/Ministry of Foreign Affairs tomorrow to seek their advice. We’ve got three months ‘til we go, ample time to get something sorted, but their advice might be to defer the flights for a further six months, just to be sure. There’s tons of red tape with Japanese government departments; documents will need to be sent from Japan to Australia via post (emails and interdepartmental database searches seem to be non-existent), certified copies are a no go, too.

That reminds me, I must buy travel insurance soon.

Update: The Smart Traveller website says Japan has made significant changes to its entry requirements in response to Omicron. You CAN’T enter Japan unless you’re a citizen or a resident. Aarrgghhh! Misa-chan’s mum is being more optimistic, she says she thinks we’ll still be able to travel in March.